Monday, June 10, 2013

FIT4U Circuit Class

FIT4U Circuit Class

Come join me starting on July 1, 2013 for a Circuit Training Class

I am a licensed Personal Trainer trained in the human kinetic chain to work you out in all planes of motion. My class is designed to help you develop strength, stamina, endurance, power, speed, core strentgh, and all the while decreasing body fat and increasing lean body mass. I will have a different circuit set up to work upper and lower body at the same time.

You will learn how to use kettle bells, tires, sledge hammers, bands, sandbags, hurdles, TRX and so much more.

What is the benefit to you? Being that I am a personal trainer I have skills on how the muscles work and what imbalances you may have. I know how to work with your bodies needs to modify any exercise to help you be successful. Such as that dreaded area we call our ABS!!!!

On June 26th starting at 8:30 I will have set times where you can come for your first complimentary session. In this session I will be doing a series of testing to see how your body works and what compensations you may have. This will give me a base starting point so I know how to best help you during your class time. Also this information will help you know where your base starting point is.

Can I bring my kids? Yes, I will have a movie in the house, and my kids Tanner and Renee are 11 and 10 and they will play games, color, and help them with snacks.
 How do I sign up? Send me an email to
How do I pay? I accept cash only. I have the square one but there is a $3.00 fee with it.
How many people in the class? This class is limited to 10 people for now! I want to give you the best attention I can.
What does the class cost for the month? $35.00
Can I bring a friend? Yes and you will get one session of personal training free a $50.00 value
Start Date? July 1, 2013
Can I do drop in? Yes the cost will be $6.00/class. I would love to do an assessment though please contact me on this. 

Location: 12534 NW Ashton DR, Banks, OR 97106
Days/Time: M-W 8:30-9:30 am
Contact Info: 503.-369-9090
Name: Leslie Peteron
Hurry and sign up while time slots last!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How much water should you drink per day?

how much water should you drink per day How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day? 
“How much water should you drink in a day?” is a simple question with a not so simple answer. There is surprisingly little scientific research on water requirements, and health experts’ recommendations also seem to vary considerably.
However, it is clear that optimal water intake varies depending on age, gender, activity level, diet, exercise habits, environment, body size and composition and goals. There are special populations, such as people with liver and kidney disease, who need to limit water intake.
Additionally, certain extreme endurance athletes or people exercise in very hot climates may need to be careful of drinking too much water (without added electrolytes) during training.1 For essentially everybody else, drinking too much water is not a real-world issue, although it is theoretically possible.

Should I Really Drink 8 Glasses of Water A Day?

In 2004, the Institute of Medicine for the National Academies published reference intakes for water, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfate.2 Although this report did not specify exact requirements for water, it did make the general recommendation of 2.7 liters (or 97 ounces) of water for women and 3.7 liters (125 ounces) for men. These numbers include water from food (about 20% of total water intake) and beverages (about 80%).
The common recommendation of 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day is simple and provides a good starting point for most people, though there is no scientific evidence behind this guideline. This recommendation is, however, less than the Institute of Medicine’s guidelines.
Another idea is to adjust water intake depending on urine quality. If a person is adequately hydrated, his or her urine should be pale yellow. Dark or very yellow urine signifies dehydration. The problem with this recommendation is that there are other things (like vitamin supplementation) that can change the character of urine.
A significant number of experts recommend allowing thirst to guide fluid intake. This makes sense on the surface, as our bodies have developed very complex mechanisms to control our fluid balance, and when there is not enough fluid, we get thirsty. When adequate fluid has been reintroduced, we stop being thirsty. However, adequate is not the same as optimal, and in the absence of a good reason not to (like severe kidney disease), it makes sense to drink more water (as well as other calorie-free beverages) than thirst would have you doing.

Why You Should Probably Drink More Than What “Thirst” Tells You

  1. Water aids in fat loss: Drinking water before meals reduces hunger. A research study on the effects of water and weight loss shows that subjects who drank two cups of water before meals shed significantly more weight than those who didn’t. Furthermore, the subjects who continued to drink more water kept the weight off for a year after the study’s conclusion. The reason behind this effect is simple – water has no calories and takes up space in the stomach, allowing people to feel fuller after consuming fewer calories. Additionally, the brain will often mistake thirst for hunger. In this case, a person will eat unnecessary calories when in fact the feeling of “hunger” could have been alleviated by drinking water.
  2. Even mild dehydration affects exercise performance: A study done on cyclists showed that exercise time to exhaustion was impaired at 1.8% dehydration.
  3. Fatigue is a symptom of dehydration: You do not need to be a rocket scientist to know this isn’t a good thing.

So, How Much Water Is Enough? – Recommendations

Much as I suggest that a person who wants to lose weight should track calories for a week before making any changes, I think it makes sense to see how much water you are drinking now before trying to increase intake. You may find you already drink enough water. At bare minimum, I suggest average-sized women and men start with the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation and work up from there. This works out to about 3 liters for men and just over 2 liters for women. If you are engaging in exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking 17 ounces before activity and as much water as is tolerated during activity.3 4 If weight loss or maintenance of a weight loss is a goal, adding 8-16 ounces of water before meals is a good idea. This adds up to another 65 ounces, or about 2 liters.
In summary, I recommend active men should strive for at least 5 liters (around 1 1/3 gallons) and women at least 1 gallon per day. Some may argue that this is on the high side, but given the health benefits of water and its lack or adverse consequences in healthy people, it is better to err on the side of too much than too little.
 By:  | June 4, 2013 | Updated: May 24, 2013
  1. Excess water intake can cause electrolyte imbalances which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
  4. If activity is going to last more than 1 hour, it is reasonable to consider adding carbohydrates and electrolytes to the drink. In this case, Gatorade of PowerAid are good choices.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Recipe for Morning Muffins

Often times we find that we don't always have time for a healthy breakfast. Take a little time and make these Morning Glory muffins. Freeze them and pull them out for those days that you need something quick. Click on the recipe page and look for...
Morning Glory Muffins    Source: Goose Berry Patch "Comfort foods"

Monday, March 4, 2013

Why is Fresh Air important to our Health

Inhaling fresh air helps clear your lungs and enables you to take deeper, longer breaths of air -- which increases the amount of oxygen that's transported to your body's cells. Increased oxygen in your body translates to greater energy and clarity of mind.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Stress Relief

We all have stress in our life. Have any of you thought that this may cause inflammation to your body? We hold onto stress in many forms. One way is inflammation in our joints causing arthritis, GI tract issues, and many more. One way to reduce this is by eating foods in our diet that will reduce the inflammation. Eating foods like: papaya, blueberries, omega 3's, whole grains (helps to control wt. management, and is gluten free), there are many more foods out there to help reduce inflammation as well.

I also heard that taking 16 -32 oz of water and adding an 1/8t. of Cheyenne pepper, liquid or fresh ginger with a whole lemon to your water is also a reducing agent to inflammation. It is also alcolizing to the body and decreases the amount we hold on to.

I like this video I saw on Melt. I am skilled in the melt method if interested in learning more contact me.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Protein Cookie Dough

Do your kids love to eat Cookie Dough? You might even say you like to eat cookie dough. I know when I make the cookie dough my husband is the first in line to steal a spoon full. Here is a healthy option for your family. I like that the extra protein helps to repair Muscle tissue and that there is omega 3's in the flax seeds. This is a great healthy option for a snack or sports energizer. Go to my Recipe tab and you'll see the recipe for Protein Cookie Dough.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Partner Workout

I have found that working out with my Hubbie is a great way to spend time together instead of always watching tv. I like that when we workout together we are spending quality time,laughing and communicating. We don't have that same quality time when resting on the couch.

Burning a sweat with your Husband, or friend is a lot of fun. I have created a partner workout for you to do in the comfort of your own home using minimal equipment. I hope you'll comment as to how well you communicated together and how long it took you to do the workout. Have fun and enjoy creating new memories! Go to my Workout Idea tab and scroll to Partner Workout.