Monday, February 25, 2013

Stress Relief

We all have stress in our life. Have any of you thought that this may cause inflammation to your body? We hold onto stress in many forms. One way is inflammation in our joints causing arthritis, GI tract issues, and many more. One way to reduce this is by eating foods in our diet that will reduce the inflammation. Eating foods like: papaya, blueberries, omega 3's, whole grains (helps to control wt. management, and is gluten free), there are many more foods out there to help reduce inflammation as well.

I also heard that taking 16 -32 oz of water and adding an 1/8t. of Cheyenne pepper, liquid or fresh ginger with a whole lemon to your water is also a reducing agent to inflammation. It is also alcolizing to the body and decreases the amount we hold on to.

I like this video I saw on Melt. I am skilled in the melt method if interested in learning more contact me.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Protein Cookie Dough

Do your kids love to eat Cookie Dough? You might even say you like to eat cookie dough. I know when I make the cookie dough my husband is the first in line to steal a spoon full. Here is a healthy option for your family. I like that the extra protein helps to repair Muscle tissue and that there is omega 3's in the flax seeds. This is a great healthy option for a snack or sports energizer. Go to my Recipe tab and you'll see the recipe for Protein Cookie Dough.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Partner Workout

I have found that working out with my Hubbie is a great way to spend time together instead of always watching tv. I like that when we workout together we are spending quality time,laughing and communicating. We don't have that same quality time when resting on the couch.

Burning a sweat with your Husband, or friend is a lot of fun. I have created a partner workout for you to do in the comfort of your own home using minimal equipment. I hope you'll comment as to how well you communicated together and how long it took you to do the workout. Have fun and enjoy creating new memories! Go to my Workout Idea tab and scroll to Partner Workout.