My Story

 My name is Leslie Peterson I have been married 14 years and have been blessed with two wonderful children 21 months apart. Growing up I was a dancer and went to college to teach. I was very healthy in college. I didn't have a car so I walked everywhere. As you may know after your married your life changes a little. Well mine did a lot. I wasn't walking everywhere, I wasn't taking dance classes for 4 hrs every day and I didn't know other ways to exercise. 

After my first year of marriage I started noticing some bad habits forming. Late night eating (I wanted to eat with my husband), Cozy movie nights (Pizza, ice cream and all the toppings), and lack of self-control. After a while you stop noticing these bad habits and it becomes second nature. I started to buy new clothes all the time as I continued to get heavier. I tried the tread mill after work from time to time but found it boring. Then I got pregnant with my first child. I was about 4 months a long when I found out that my younger sister was dying from kidney failure. I was very close to her and this news was devastating. I developed high blood pressure and had Precambrian in the last trimester of my pregnancy. My sister passed away 12 days from my son’s birth. During this time I was very depressed. My depression went into my delivery and after birth. I had a C-section after 16 hrs of delivery. Then after he was born I incurred an infection where I had to pack the incision for a month. This caused a lot of scar tissue and through the years I only kept getting heavier on into my second pregnancy. I never sought after help with depression and anxiety after dealing with it for 2 years. I was on medication for 1 year and never felt better. I still felt the same. I would yo yo with trying new things to keep me active but never felt like I could sustain the work out. I was heavy so everything jiggled and I couldn't ever breath. I just kept buying new clothes. I was always self-conscious of my weight but still didn't know how to change my old and warring habits. 

Till one day I was asked to help teach the 6th graders at the elementary school in my home town how to swing dance and the dance Thriller. I did so and when it came to the performance and dance I couldn't wait to party with the kids. I danced like I was in college when I was healthy and fit. Accept when I got home I was sick, I couldn't stand to shower or even sit up. My head was pounding and I was very dizzy. I decided then that who I was in side was not what was reflected on the outside. I was very unhappy. My depression and anxiety got worse. I started to stare at walls and it was hard to get motivated. Till one day my son pointed at a picture of me on my wedding day and he asked in pure innocence "Mommy why is your belly so full not flat like the picture"? That was the day I got serious and decided to take matters into my own hands. I started a workout class and changed my eating habits. I also went to bed earlier and started to drink more water. I increased my veggies and fruit and less eating of desserts. In the first month I dropped 7 lbs from there I was so happy. I went from a size 20 to and 18 then into a 16. I lost over all 1-2 lb a week. It took me over a year to get to my goal weight. Over a two year span I lost 90 lbs. I didn't do this accomplish my new life style change by only changing nutrition or exercise I re awakened my 5 Senses: Sleep Nutrition, Hydration, Fitness, and Relaxation (less stress). I wanted to DO SOMETHING FOR MY SELF. No one else just me! 

 These are Pictures of me at my heaviest weight. Start weight before my JOURNEY @ 221 lb.

                                                      From a size 18-22 down to a size 12.
                                  Just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon. Let the training begin.
                              Completed my first 1/2 marathon with my best friend and Husband.
                                               On a hike with my husband and good friends.

I continued to loose more weight At this point I had lost 85 lb and in a size 6! I feel amazing full of energy and not depressed. I have motivation and excitement in my life again. I love to exercise and the way I feel after.
                                                                     Current Picture

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