Workout Ideas

Remember when you were a kid? I do and I know for a fact that is when we were all at our prime health. I believe in letting kids play so why as an adult don’t we? It is just as important so when your kids are working out enjoy a little time for you to work out. Here are some examples of how you can utilize the equipment to get in your workout while you let the kids play. Enjoy!

Playground Workout ~ Look below for Inspiring photos
1. Single Leg Squats 8-10 reps each leg
Keep your weight on one foot, place the toe of the other foot on top of the step or slide. Hold your upper body nice and straight. Squat down into the standing leg. Be sure that your knee doesn’t extend over the toes.
2. Inverted Row 6-10 reps
Hold on to each side of the swing where the triangle is on the seat of the swing and the chain meets. Adjust the angle of your feet under the swing extending your arms away from your chest. Lean back and use your arms to pull you to the swing. Keep your body in a straight line leaning back, keep core tight as you pull your chest up to the swing.
3. Leg Curls 8-10 reps
Use gloves on your hands, place hands on the bark chip. Place feet ontop of the swing. Bring knees into chest. You are supporting your weight on your hands. Be sure to keep core tight, back supported as you draw knees into chest.
4. Push Ups 6-10 reps
Place your hands on the top of the slide and push up. For modification please hold plank on your forearms.
5. Toe Taps 10-12 Alternating R/L Leg
Stand in front of slide or step and tap the surface with your toes, alternating with a slight hop between. Advance this by moving fast with quick taps.
6. Hanging Knees 8-10 reps
Hold onto the monkey bars, fully extend body. Bring knees high up into chest.
7. Sequence for time 5 min
Jumping Jacks
High Knees
Run Backwards
Repeat 3-4 times
Please leave a comment if you wish to let me know how this work out was for you.

At 75 years old If this Woman can do it so can you! What an inspiration to all of us!

Partner Workout 

Equipment Needed: Weight Ball, Bands, Water
Time: All exercises have reps repeat through 2-3 x's as time permits

Warm Up: High knees, job in place, butt kickers Stretch

Getting Started: 
14 Squats- hold hands w/extended arms. use each other body wt. to squat alternate R/L arm
15 Ball Pass Crunch- lay on mat one person holding ball both crunch up and pass the ball and catch
14 Plank High Fives- in plank position facing each other. Alternate R/L arm and give a high 5
15 Side Ball Lunge Pass- leaning into a side lunge holding ball rotate upper body away from partner, then rotate to the center and toss ball to partner rotate out then come center for pass. 
20 Ball Russian Twist- sit back to back extend arms rotate body to the side and catch ball. then rotate to the other side and pass the ball to partner. 
15 Plank Row w/Band- in plank position each of you hold an end f the band and pull arms back in a row. 
20 Squat/Row- one person holds the center of the band in mild squat hold. Squeeze core. The other person is holding onto the handles of the bands. Squat into legs and row the arms. Squeeze the shoulder blades together. 
Repeat workout:2-3X's through

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